May 31, 2011


I'm thinking of a word.

A word that to most people means happiness.
Means excitement.
Means freedom.

But to me, this word means change.
It means being on my own.
In a new place. With new people.  In new situations.
It means making decisions.  Big decisions.
It means responsibilty.
It means hard work.
It means start...
Starting over
Starting new
Starting fresh
Starting the next chapter of my life

But most of all, it means saying goodbye.

I'm sure you have guessed by now,
that the word I am thinking of is:


May 1, 2011

Dream Big

This is for all the girls who have ever been broken hearted.
This is for the man standing on the side of the road, homeless.
This is for the parents who have lost a child, a brother that has lost a sister, a friend that has lost a friend.
Dream big.

This is for all the young men that have had to leave their families to go to war.
This is for the wife or mother of those young men, never knowing when or if they'll ever return. 
Dream big.

Don't let another minute pass by without a dream in mind. 
Cuz what is life worth living without a dream?

This is for the ducks at the pond that don't get any bread.
For the rich man that suddenly went bankrupt.
For the invisible nobodys.
Dream big.

Don't let the world get you down.
Shoot for the moon, and even if you miss, you'll land among the stars...
Where you can begin to dream again.
So dream big.